Acer TravelMate 5742G Drivers for Windows XP/Windows 7

If you are looking for available drivers or software related to your Acer TravelMate 5742G laptop. The following software and drivers are compatible with your Acer TravelMate 5742G and Microsoft Windows 7 32/64-bit.

The Aspire 5742G has a 2.53GHz Intel Core i5-460M CPU, 4GB of DDR3 SDRAM, an NVIDIA GeForce GT 420M graphics adapter and a 5400rpm, 500GB hard drive. It recorded good results in our performance tests, showing that it has a penchant for more than just office work: it can be used to reasonably swiftly transcode media for use on an iPhone or other portable media player and it can also be used to undertake video editing and rendering.

Below is a list of the most common Acer TravelMate 5742G drivers

Wireless LAN Driver Broadcom (31.1 MB)

VGA Driver NVIDIA (232.7 MB)

Turbo Boost Driver Intel (1.1 MB)

Touchpad Driver Synaptics (29.5 MB)

LAN Driver Broadcom (10.8 MB)

Chipset Driver Intel (2.3 MB)

Card Reader Driver Realtek 6.1.7600.30122 (8.3 MB)

Bluetooth Driver Broadcom (102.7 MB)

Audio Driver Realtek (95.8 MB)

Intel iAMT Driver Intel (5.3 MB )

SATA AHCI Driver (F6 Floppy) Intel (600.0 KB)

If you come across any Acer TravelMate 5742G Drivers download issues, please ask for help in the comments section below.

Note: All drivers are provide and hosted on Acer Inc. The only provide to you the fastest way to collection and download all drivers. So if you have any problems with drivers or softwares please contact us. If you have any relation questions for hardware, please contact the Acer Support.